Numerology of Purandar Name

What is the Numerology of Purandar name?
Subtotal(9+3) =12
Subtotal(1+2) =3
Your lucky number is3
General Traits: Lucky number 3 reflects strong personality. Purandar possesses magical abilities and great creative skills. Purandar is very easygoing, sociable and lover of art. With a high self-esteem, Purandar makes all efforts to win others attention.
Strong points: Purandar's friendly nature helps make lots of friends in life. Also the social skills aid in building up a good circle. Purandar is very enthusiastic and has this natural ability to encourage frustrated people to move ahead in life.
Weak points: Purandar is quite self-centered and likes to be boss for others. Also, Purandar is very extravagant.
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