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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'She'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
351 Girl Peehoo She is great
352 Boy Phanish The cosmic serpent, sheshnag
353 Boy Pitam Cherished
354 Boy Potipherah That scatters abroad, or demolishes, the fat.
355 Boy Prabhcharan Taking shelter in god's feet
356 Boy Prabhsharan One who takes the shelter of god
357 Girl Pradha Extremely distinguished
358 Boy Prasharan Lord's shelter
359 Boy Prasharanbir Brave in the lord's shelter
360 Boy Prathit Famous, published, extended, manifested, celebrate
361 Boy Pravek Excellent, distinguished
362 Girl Prithvipal Beloved cherisher, protector
363 Girl Prithvipal Beloved cherisher, protector
364 Boy Pushan Nourisher
365 Girl Pushtika Well nourished girl
366 Girl Quintilia She who was born in the fifth month
367 Girl Quirina She who carries the lance
368 Girl Qutaylah Daughter of sayfi al-ansari, she was a companion
369 Girl Rachel Sheep
370 Girl Rachel Innocence of a lamb, sheep, ewe, female sheep, lit
371 Girl Rae Female sheep
372 Boy Ragau Friend, shepherd
373 Girl Rajaki Washerman,
374 Girl Rajakini Washerman,
375 Boy Rajsharan King's shelter
376 Boy Ram Male sheep, lord rama, one who pleases, the eldest
377 Boy Ram Male sheep, lord rama, one who pleases, the eldest
378 Boy Ramashraya Shelter of rama
379 Girl Rania Contented, queen, short form of ourania, she who g
380 Boy Rascheet One who cherishes the elixir of naam
381 Boy Rasraman One who cherishes the elixir of naam
382 Girl Raychel A form of rachel, female sheep
383 Girl Raychelle A form of rachel, female sheep
384 Boy Reelaiah Shepherd or companion to the lord
385 Boy Rei My shepherd, my companion, my friend
386 Girl Rei My shepherd, my companion, my friend
387 Boy Reu His friend, his shepherd
388 Boy Rushford Ford with rushes
389 Boy Sadaf Shell, oyster, pearl
390 Girl Sadaf Pearl, sea shell, lord ram's devotees, oyster
391 Girl Saeshaaratnam God's shelter
392 Boy Sahasrajit One who vanquishes thousands
393 Boy Sampurn Complete, accomplished
394 Girl Samyamani She takes emotions and happiness with same feeling
395 Girl Sanaya Eminent, distinguished
396 Boy Sanaya Eminent, distinguished
397 Girl Sania Brillant, moment, happy, first in whatever she wan
398 Boy Saph Rushes, sea-moss.
399 Boy Saran Sanctuary, protection, shelter
400 Boy Sarnagat Refuge, shelter
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