The baby basically cries to communicate a message to the adults, like human beings do, young ones too communicate though they have no ability to talk like adults do, crying plays an integral part in the young ones conveying of messages to the adults. It’s the job of adults to decode and properly figure out what the baby is trying to put across by making certain cries at different times.
Hunger is one of the basic reasons why a baby will cry. Babies cry, are indented to communicate with the adults and their mothers. Most newborns eat frequently. And some of them become fanatics to feeding this spurs appetite in them when it comes to the time to feed, they gulp their food in haste swallowing it with air which later may cause spitting up the trapped gas and food materials which prompts more crying from the baby. Babies may cry when they need to burp during the feeding process or after feeding. This is caused by the excess gasses taken in with food which leave them uncomfortable. Mothers and adults should there fore take time to burp their babies when they are through with feeding them or in between the feeding process. Unlike adults baby cannot take care of their waste, this is because they are unable to move or to use some of the various toilet facilities, therefore they do wet themselves and cry to communicate with the adults that they need their assistance in cleaning their waste from their soiled diapers. Gas or indigestion may also cause high levels of discomfort which also cause crying.
When babies get tired they may have sleeping problems, they often need more sleep and rest at times babies are know to sleep more than 16 hours per day, and often need more rest , often when young ones feel tired they will cry to communicate that so that she or he attracts attention from the care takes. Some babies also feel comfortable when they are wrapped in warm heavy and soft clothing. This gives them the desired body comfort they need to fully rest, while others feel more comfortable when dressed in light clothing to keep them free from excess body temperature and warmth. If any of this baby’s needs is violated or rather not fully put into consideration, the baby may turn out crying to seek attention from the individuals who are suppose to make this happen.
No mobility
Babies sometimes also need to be mobile. Walking and also crawling plays a very important role when the baby is exercising. When a baby is too young to do this, they will seek to be carried around the house or the compound just to relax and refresh them. change of position like it has effects on adults too has major effects to the young child and at times they will cry to communicate that they need change of position from where they are at the moment to another its advisable to try and swing the baby vibrantly or take them in a kind of a ride to calm them down.
Loneliness and boredom like it does to the adults, it does too affect the children young children get bored or lonely at times and crying serves a very important role whereby they create attention to the adults to imply that they are lonely and need to be close to other people to bridge their loneliness. If the baby too has had enough of something or a certain activity they will definitely cry to communicate that they no more need to do that. Or they have had enough of doing something like play, feeding etc.
Too much noise also can cause discomfort to the baby, when a young one is exposed to too much noise from home appliances such as entertainment materials, machines and such, they may be spurred by the noise and eventually may become very uncomfortable with this. The first thing a baby can do due to these levels of discomfort is to cry. So that the necessary measures are taken to curb down the intensity of the noise.
Behavioral problems
Crying in babies also can be a behavior that they do specifically to achieve some level of achievement for the day. Most babies make crying a part of their daily routine and they will therefore cry to fulfill that. In such scenarios little can be done to stop the baby from crying, and at most times it advisable to leave them cry and fulfill their daily routine in that.
Allergic reactions
Foods which mothers eat often change the flavor of the mother’s milk. Young ones may develop allergic reactions due to these changes and in such cases they may often cry to communicate the alteration in their food flavor. It’s advisable to the mothers to closely watch and discover these trends and make the necessary adjustments and changes to fully make sure that such allergic reactions do not recur.
Parents voices from a distance
Parents voices may also trigger babies to cry. When young ones have been left in the care of others who are not their mother for example and happen to hear the voice of their mother from after, they will cry seeking to get closer to their mother. Young ones seek parental bond and closeness, at many times they will always need to be close to their parents and failure to that they do cry to make that happen or rather to communicate their need.
Other discomforts
Crying in young ones too can be triggered by small things which do spur levels of discomfort. Discomforts brought fourth by smell, pricking from sharp objects and any other things which do spur discomfort in their bodies.
Crying though is healthy for the young child; it balances the emotions and also leads to production of hormones which create comfort to the young body. Sucking plays a key role in baby’s life, and that doesn’t necessarily have to be sucking the mother’s breasts but sometimes they just need to chew and suck things. Their gums have senses which feel comfortable when sucking things and if a baby lacks this they may cry for that.