Leading a gadget controlled life is also a threat to healthy conception. Your body must be physically active, and by this we mean that you should indulge in exercise or yoga to stay fit. This relaxes the mind and keeps stress at bay.
Too much dependence on medication is another of your lifestyle habit that causes the problem. Medicines affect the body in different ways and some can even cause adverse effects. It is better to limit the intake of medicines for minor cold, headache, a mild back pain etc.
Being under stress and anxiety is another problem that doesn't let you conceive a healthy baby. This is primarily because stress in the body hinders the functioning of hormones thereby disturbing your ovulation cycle.
Recommended Diet For Woman
You will have to prepare your body for pregnancy and for this it will require the right amount of nutrients, which apparently you'll get from your daily diet. Therefore, you will have to be conscious about what you are eating. Lack of nutrients can lead to several health issues not just for you but for the growing baby as well. Here let us understand what all things must be a part of your diet so that you conceive a healthy baby.
You must have enough amount of folic acid in the body before conception. This acid is available in baked beans, green peas, green vegetables and Asparagus. The minimum amount that you should consume daily is 400 mcg.
B - Complex vitamins are also necessary during early pregnancy. Sources of B – complex vitamins are fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and whole grains.
Calcium is required for healthy bones of the baby. Calcium is available in milk and all other dairy products like cheese and butter.
Vitamin C is the next requirement for a pregnant women. This vitamin is available in citrus fruits like orange and lemon.
Iron is necessary for maintaining your hemoglobin level. The main sources of iron are cereals, leafy vegetables and rice.
Plan a balanced diet that contains all necessary nutrients as discussed above for enjoying the maximum benefits.
Recommended Diet For Man
Healthy diet affects the quality of sperm in men. Inadequate diet in men can cause serious health issues in baby. Therefore, it is very important that men also stick to a healthy diet while they plan to have a baby. Your diet must constitute the following:
Vitamin C and antioxidants are the essential nutrients for producing healthy sperm in men. A normal man requires 90 mg of vitamin C daily in his diet. On the other hand, a smoker should consume 120 mg of vitamin C daily. Orange juice is the best source for Vitamin C. The other common sources are tomatoes, strawberry and lemon.
Calcium is the other requirement for healthy sperm. A man should consume 1000 mg of calcium and 10 mg of vitamin daily. The most common sources of calcium are milk, cheese, leafy vegetables, almonds, peas and beans. Vitamin D is gained through sunlight.
Folic acid is essential requirement for both men and women for conceiving a healthy baby. 400 mg is the minimum amount consumed by a healthy person daily. Folic acid is available in green vegetables, beans and cereals. You can also consume necessary supplements for gaining folic acid. Supplements should be consumed only after doctor’s prescription.
To maintain semen and testosterone level, you should consume 11 mg of zinc daily. The main sources of zinc are meat, eggs, whole grains and leafy vegetables. In special cases, you may consume supplements according to doctor’s recommendation.
A healthy body will help you give birth to a healthy baby. And this will be possible only when you implement these things in your daily life and abide by them.