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Being a mother isn’t easy. A mother keeps working the whole day and still she will have plenty of things to do. Even if she has enough rest, she feels tired all the time and that is due to the invisible workload that she carries on her shoulders.
Things like:
Oh, I forgot that form that my son needed me to sign. Mental note – I’ll attend to it in the morning.
Hubby’s friends are coming over for dinner this Friday; I need to head to the supermarket.
Did I take the laundry in? I didn’t, I’m too tired to see it now, but what if it rains tonight?
My daughter has a spelling test in two days and there’s this word that she just can’t seem to get right.
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This invisible workload causes deprivation of sleep as mothers constantly worry about her ‘to do’ list. Some call it maternal instincts or invisible workload and science calls it the mum brain.
When you enter into a state of motherhood, you tend to become a bit control freak. A mother thinks that she only can look after her perfectly and others (in-laws, or even preschool teachers) may not. This thought exhausts her most.
Men and women are wired differently. So they function differently. However, many men help in household chores too. Many contribute in looking after the kids. But when a father takes the kids out alone, then also instead of relaxing, a mother would worry about the kids thinking:
Did he take our boy’s jacket? What if the cinema gets too cold? Will he remember to get him the booster seat?
Will he give him popcorn? Popcorn is a lot of sugar; it’s going to make him cough. I hope not. What are they going to have for lunch? Heaven forbid McDonald’s!
Why didn’t I join them?
What should be done to overcome it?
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All a mother needs to do is let it go. She should believe in others that they also can take good care of her children. A mother should accept the fact that she cannot do everything alone. She can surely ask for help from family members to give a hand. Actually, everything is not her responsibility. Every family member should contribute for proper functioning of a house.
She should have her “me time” where she can do whatever she likes and makes her happy like reading a book, doing yoga, painting nails, sipping on piping hot chamomile tea or taking a yearly solo trip and recharge her batteries. She need not be master chef, laundrywoman, teacher, sports coach, businesswoman, mumpreneur, or working mum all at once.
How energetic and full of life women are before they become mothers. Then they have this invisible workload that ruins everything. Just remember that you are yourself before you are somebody’s wife or mother. Don’t forget to be yourself.