All Names Starting with Vovel 'A'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1251 Boy Abhivanth/abivanth Royal salute
1252 Boy Abhivanth(orabivanth) Royal salute
1253 Girl Abhivarna Explain
1254 Boy Abhiveer One who commands, one who is surrounded by heroes
1255 Girl Abhivibha Illuminating
1256 Boy Abhivira Surrounded by heroes, a commander
1257 Girl Abhivyakti Expressions
1258 Girl Abhiyanshi Expressions
1259 Boy Abhiyanta An engineer
1260 Girl Abhja Water lily
1261 Boy Abhlesh Add meaning
1262 Girl Abhnitha Actress
1263 Boy Abhnivesh Long cherished desire, idea, resolution
1264 Boy Abhoy Fearless
1265 Girl Abhpri Gladdening, refreshing
1266 Boy Abhra Cloud
1267 Girl Abhra Bearing water, clouds, sky
1268 Girl Abhraganga The celestial ganga
1269 Boy Abhrakasin With clouds for shelter, an ascetic
1270 Boy Abhram Steady, clear
1271 Girl Abhramani Sun or moon
1272 Girl Abhramu Steady, clear
1273 Boy Abhranaga Celestial elephant
1274 Boy Abhrant
1275 Boy Abhranta Unperplexed, clear, composed
1276 Girl Abhranti Without error
1277 Boy Abhraroha Borne by the clouds
1278 Girl Abhrayanti Forming clouds, bringing rain
1279 Girl Abhriruci Deep interest
1280 Boy Abhronil
1281 Boy Abhrottha Clouds born, indra's thunderbolt
1282 Girl Abhrupi
1283 Boy Abhu Unborn, nonexistent
1284 Girl Abhya Fearless
1285 Boy Abhyagni Towards the fire, a son of aitasa
1286 Boy Abhyansh One who is having a part of god in him
1287 Boy Abhyas Study
1288 Girl Abhyavarshini One who comes repeatedly
1289 Boy Abhyuday Progress
1290 Boy Abhyudaya Sunrise, prosperous, happiness
1291 Boy Abhyudh Good learner
1292 Boy Abhyudhay New sun rise
1293 Boy Abhyudit Risen or elevated
1294 Boy Abhyudita Elevated, prospered, raised
1295 Girl Abhyudita Prosperous, risen, elevated
1296 Boy Abi My father, all
1297 Girl Abi My father
1298 Boy Abi-albon Most intelligent father
1299 Girl Abia Great
1300 Boy Abiah God is my father
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