Infertility has engulfed both mean and women alike. Over the years, there has been a rapid growth in the infertility rate. Facts state that in year 2002, the number had reached to 7.3 million. The figure clearly proves that infertility cases are not rare.
It even explains that there are many couples experiencing difficulty in conception. But the good news is that infertility corrigible i.e. it can be treated. As infertility problem is caused by various reasons, the treatment too varies depending upon the root-cause. Before treating infertility, it is very vital to figure out the cause as only then can a treatment plan be made. Let us now understand what are the possible and widely used infertility treatment methods. Read on:
Infertility medicines mainly assist the females in achieving ovulation and males in producing more sperms. Ovulation is a process by which the ovary releases an egg cell and this occurs once in a month until the women reaches the menopausal stage. But in case of infertility, ovulation will not occur or may occur irregularly.
Gonadotropins are the hormone that controls ovulation. This gonadotropin is stored in the pituitary gland. This hormone will stimulate the activities of the ovaries and testes. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) are the main gonadotropins that the pituitary glands make.
Drug treatments are suggested if the results reveal that the problem is in the ovulation, and then fertility drugs would be the best. This fertility drugs will now regulate and assist in ovulation, since these drugs will stimulate the woman’s ovaries to produce more ova in each cycle and also in males, these drugs will help to produce more sperms.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
This is used to treat the fallopian tube blockages that cause infertility. In order to achieve conception in the cases where the fallopian tube is at fault, IVF is suggested. This procedure is an expensive one and needs a lot of attention. In IVF, an egg cell and sperm cell are taken out from the couple's body and then placed in a laboratory, “In the glass” (that’s what in vitro means), for fertilization. This refers to the dish where the union of male and female cells takes place. It is then implanted in the woman’s womb (uterus). This is commonly known as the “test tube baby.”
Higher chances of successful IVF:
1. Female partner that is 39 years old and below
2. Female partner was being pregnant before
3. The Body Mass Index (BMI) will be between 19 and 30 neither underweight nor overweight.
Other factors that may reduce the chances of successful IVF
1. Intake of 1 unit of alcohol per day
2. Intake of excess caffeine
3. Smoking
This process makes use of a fine plastic tube that lets the sperm pass through the cervix and then to the uterus. A healthy fallopian tube is needed in order for the egg cell to travel from the ovary into the uterus. And if it will be successful, then fertilization will take place now in the uterus. In this process, the sperm comes either from the male partner or from a donor.
Male partner sperm: It is used if the cause of infertility is unknown but the sperm is in good condition or the female’s cervical mucus is blocked. To obtain sperm from the partner, masturbation is done before the IUI procedure starts.
Donor sperm: This can be acquired from a frozen sperm from the donors deposited in the ‘sperm bank.’
If there is a problem with the woman's egg cells, then the couple facing this infertility issue can opt for a donated egg cell by another woman. This donated egg is made to meet the male partner’s sperm cell. Once the fertilization is done, it is then implanted in the woman’s uterus (womb).
This is done if there is a low sperm count or no sperm at all.
In this, couples who have had successful IVF spare their embryos to help other infertile couples.
Here another woman is made to carry the embryo and she will be the one to give birth to the baby.
Here are some possible complications of infertility treatments:
1. Ectopic Pregnancy: In this case, the pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube. It is more likely to happen with women who undergo infertility treatment. This will happen if there is a problem in the fallopian tubes.
2. Ovarian cancer: Some studies have shown that taking medications to stimulate ovulation can increase the risk of having ovarian cancer. But new studies conducted in Denmark revealed that women taking fertility drugs don’t seem to increase the risk of having cancer of the ovaries.
3. Stress: Male or female, infertility has equal emotional impact which leads to stress and depression. Undergoing the infertility treatment too stimulates stress levels. Couples undergoing such treatment must have open discussions so as to balance the emotions.