Swimming is a great exercise during pregnancy that reduces stress to a great extent and keeps you strong and healthy. Swimming becomes more entertaining during summer season because it makes you relaxed from unwanted heat. In first trimester, pregnant lady can continue swimming without any health issue. During second or third trimester pregnant lady should take extra precaution and it would be better to swim slowly during last few months of pregnancy. In case of any health issue, pregnant lady should consult her doctor to confirm is it OK to swim during pregnancy?
Benefits of Swimming during pregnancy
Swimming is an excellent exercise that improves your blood circulation and also helps in burning extra calories. Swimming makes you stronger and more energetic for routine tasks.
In first trimester, it is advisable to swim at least 20 minutes per day for maximum benefits. Most of the women suffer from morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy. Swimming is the best solution for treating morning sickness and it also makes you happy. In some cases, situation can become worst also. In this case, it would be better to consult your doctor to confirm how swimming is affecting your health.
The most beautiful fact about swimming is that you don’t have to sacrifice your daily routine during pregnancy. The only thing that you have to keep in your mind is to buy a maternity swim suit during second trimester.
There is no doubt that water supports your joints during pregnancy. It also protects your body from heat strokes in the summer season. Different people have different reasons for choosing swimming as their daily routine. For some people, this is an excellent source for reducing stress and strain. On the other hand, some people prefer swimming for becoming healthier and stronger. In the third trimester, swimming has extra ordinary affects on the health of expectant lady as water supports back and chest muscles which are most critical areas during pregnancy.