Right Prediction of Ovulation
Every woman should know the basic information about her most fertile time for pregnancy. You should also know about your accurate ovulation time if you are trying to get pregnant. Every month, an egg matures in woman's ovary. When it reaches to a certain size, it releases from the ovary and moves in fallopian tube on the way to the uterus. It is not certain that which ovary will release the egg.
When does it occur?
The average menstrual cycle length in a woman is calculated as 28 days. Ovulation occurs between 10 to 16 days, mostly on 14th day before starting of next period. The time [five to six days] before ovulation period is considered the most fertile time for women to get pregnant. You should have intercourse during this fertile time, which is two days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. Owing to the fact that your egg cannot survive for more than one day; you should have sex before ovulation as maximum lifespan of male’s sperm is approximately five days.
For couple with normal fertility, there are 20% chances for getting pregnant during each cycle. Having sex without use of any birth control will give more chances to get pregnancy in a year. This ratio is approximately 85% in women with normal fertility and not using any birth control method. If you are willing to get pregnant, you should know your most fertile time.
Common Signs of Ovulation
During ovulation, you can find an increase in vaginal discharge that's white, creamy or clear, stretchy and slippery.
There is a change in texture and increase in volume of cervical mucus. It reflects rising levels of estrogen in your body. Generally the mucous works as a protective barrier. In your most fertile time, it permits sperm to go to the uterus through the cervix. It then moves to the fallopian tubes for a tryst with your egg.
You can also feel mild abdominal pain or some difference in body temperature. Your body temperature can increase by 0.4 to 1.0 degrees. Sometime you may not feel it, but you can find it using a basal body temperature (BBT) thermometer. You can find ovulation using BBT thermometer. Raise in your body temperature happens as the releasing of egg stimulates the production of the hormone, progesterone.
Breast tenderness, slight vaginal bleeding, bloating and desire to have sex are some signs of ovulation.
Other methods to identify Ovulation
You can use other methods like Ovulation prediction kits that detect your ovulation by testing hormone levels in your urine. You can also use ovulation calendar, fertile monitor or ovulation prediction chart to predict accurate fertile time.
You can identify symptoms of ovulation by observing physical change in your body every month. This also helps you to avoid sex during this period if you do not wish to get pregnant and don't want to use any method for birth control.
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