Basic Information about Uterus
The uterus is a pear shaped organ. The length of the uterus is 7.5 cm, depth is 2.5 cm and it is 5 cm wide. The uterus has thick muscular walls and is hollow from inside. This is the place where an egg changes into a baby. The upper portion of the uterus is also called fundus.
It is said that around five percent women suffer from uterus abnormalities. Most of them are not aware about uterus abnormalities as it does not affect their fertility. In this article, our main focus is to discuss about abnormalities of the uterus.
Some Common problems of the Uterus
1. Bicornuate Uterus
Bicornuate uterus means uterus with two horns. In this problem shape of the uterus is not common like pear. The shape of the bicornuate uterus is like a heart with a sharp curve at the top. The main complication of this uterus is that baby has less space to grow instead of normal womb. The woman suffering from this problem has greater chances of premature delivery or feet first delivery. In this case, most of the births are the result of operation.
2. Unicornuate Uterus
Unicornuate uterus means uterus with single horn. The problem arises due to improper development of the tissues. In this case, size of uterus is half of the normal womb. In this case, woman has only single ovary. In normal cases, woman has two ovaries. In this case, chances of premature delivery enhances to a great extent. Cesarean operation is must in this case. This type of uterus can cause pain during bleeding because uterus has no space for leaving the blood. It is quite difficult to treat unicornuate uterus. Sometimes unicornuate uterus is attached with smaller hemi uterus. This uterus can be removed through operation. This operation can reduce your problem to a great extent.
3. Septate Uterus
Septate uterus means there is only a single uterus but it is partitioned through a line in between. The problem can be easily cured through surgical treatment. The women suffering from this problem have greater chances of premature delivery or pre-labor pains.
4. Double Uterus
In this case, single uterus has two cavities. Women have two vagina in case of double uterus. This problem is very rare although.
Common treatments for the uterus abnormalities
In case of infertility problem, doctors recommend exploratory test. This test identifies the problem of abnormal uterus inside the woman. A simple X - ray can also identify the uterus abnormality problem. But ultrasound is better as compared to simple X – Ray. Ultrasound doesn’t have any further complications or risk during pregnancy. The other alternative for uterus examination is laparoscopy. In this examination, an instrument is passed through the womb for detecting the shape of the uterus. This treatment is also safe and doesn’t cause any further complications.
In some cases, treatment is possible but it is followed by risks. In case you want to opt for surgery for treating your womb then it can damage the uterus walls that can reduce your fertility in future. The alternative for this problem is to use an instrument instead of surgery. Instrument doesn’t involve any future risk for your pregnancy.
Effects of Uterine Abnormalities on your Pregnancy
The woman with tilted uterus does not have infertility problems. It only reduces the chances of getting pregnant occasionally. It becomes very difficult for the woman to conceive a baby in case of tilted uterus. This is quite hard to examine whether there is a link between miscarriage and tilted uterus. Research tells that woman with abnormal uterus has greater chances of miscarriage instead of normal uterus. But chances of miscarriage vary according to type of abnormality. The woman with septate uterus has greater chances of miscarriage instead of tilted uterus.
In case of tilted uterus women suffer from a number of pregnancy complications. Uterus abnormalities can also cause problems during delivery. In case of abnormal uterus, there may be change in the position of the baby. It would be better to opt for caesarean for reducing the pregnancy complications. If you are suffering from abnormal uterus problem then premature labor is the common problem associated with it. In case of abnormal uterus, there is no enough space for proper growth of the baby. In this situation, baby comes out at an early stage. Abnormal uterus causes more problem during first pregnancy. In further pregnancies it creates fewer problems.
Dealing with an abnormal uterus
In case of abnormal uterus, woman becomes more anxious and conscious about pregnancy. Sometimes woman suffers from miscarriage problem because of abnormal uterus problem. To deal with such situations, you should visit the doctor regularly and keep a close eye on your pregnancy. You should not take stress. Stress is the biggest reason for miscarriage or infertility among women. You should stay relaxed and calm in every situation. You should not hesitate in making discussion with your doctor. Explain every situation clearly if you have any complications or fear. Also take proper medication according to doctor’s recommendation.
Ask your doctor if there are any signs of premature labors. You should be mentally prepared for premature delivery in case of any complications. Just take proper care of your health and reach out for medical help without causing much delay!