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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'The sun'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
201 Boy Hrishu Happy, glad, the sun and the moon
202 Boy Inukant Beloved of the sun
203 Boy Ishaan Lord shiva, the sun, one who bestows wealth
204 Girl Itu The sun god
205 Boy Jagadeesh The sun light of the world
206 Boy Jalarka The sun reflected in water
207 Boy Jimuta One of 108 names of the sun god
208 Boy Jimuta One of 108 names of the sun god
209 Boy Jivana One of 108 names of the sun god
210 Boy Jivana The sun god
211 Girl Jivana The sun god
212 Boy Jokim That made the sun stand still
213 Girl Jyoti Flame, light, lamp, the light of the sun
214 Boy Jyotiraaditya The resplendence of the sun
215 Boy Kabalikrut Swallower of the sun
216 Boy Kabalikrut Swallower of the sun
217 Boy Kabalikruta One who swallowed the sun
218 Boy Kala The fine arts, talent, the sun, time, fate, dark b
219 Girl Kalynda The sun
220 Boy Kaschith The sun
221 Boy Kashaku The sun, fire
222 Boy Kathiravan The sun
223 Boy Kavir The sun
224 Boy Khadyothan The sun
225 Boy Khursheed Sunshine, the sun
226 Boy Khurshid The sun, shining sun, cheerful
227 Girl Kira The sun
228 Girl Kira The sun
229 Boy Kirav The sun
230 Boy Kishor The sun god
231 Boy Kivar The sun
232 Boy Konark The sun
233 Girl Kumti Lover of the sun god
234 Girl Maithra God of the sun
235 Boy Mantha Another name for the sun, lord shiva
236 Girl Manthamantha Another name for the sun
237 Boy Martanda The sun
238 Boy Martanda The sun, king of thiruvithamkoor
239 Boy Meherdad Given by the sun
240 Boy Meherdad Given by the sun
241 Boy Mehrdad Gift from the sun
242 Boy Mihir The sun
243 Boy Mihir The sun
244 Girl Mihira Feminine form of mihir, the sun
245 Boy Mihira Feminine form of mihir, the sun
246 Girl Mithra God of the sun
247 Boy Mithraathan God of the sun immortal
248 Boy Mitra Friend, the sun
249 Boy Mitra The sun, friend
250 Boy Padmaakar The sun
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