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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Able'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
101 Boy Ajeetveer Unconquerable warrior
102 Boy Ajit Unconquerable, invincible, victorious
103 Boy Ajit Invincible, unconquerable
104 Boy Ajit-ajeet Victorious, invincible, unconquerable
105 Boy Ajit;ajeet Victorious, invincible, unconquerable
106 Boy Ajitabha Unconquerable brilliance
107 Boy Ajitesh Unconquerable god
108 Girl Ajitha Winner, unbeatable
109 Boy Ajitkumar One who is incapable of being conquered, defeated,
110 Boy Ajitpal One who is invincible or unconquerable
111 Girl Akansha Lovable, wish, desire
112 Boy Akaryatanaya Knowledgeable person
113 Girl Akasara Imperishable
114 Boy Aksar Imperishable
115 Boy Aksara Unalterable
116 Girl Aksara Unalterable,
117 Boy Akshar Letter, imperishable
118 Boy Akshar Imperishable
119 Boy Akshar Imperishable
120 Boy Akshara Unalterable
121 Boy Akshat Uninjurable, rice of puja, unharmed
122 Boy Aksobhya Immovable, unassailable
123 Boy Alak World, beautiful tresses, enjoyable person
124 Boy Aleem Knowledgeable, a well educated person
125 Boy Aleem Knowledgeable
126 Girl Alshifa Good, homely, sweet, lovable, trustable
127 Girl Amaanya Unacceptable, unknown
128 Girl Amaanya Unacceptable, unknown
129 Girl Amabel Loveable
130 Girl Amanat God's treasure, present or gift, valuable possessi
131 Girl Amanda Lovable, much loved, she who must be loved, worthy
132 Girl Amanda Worthy of love loveable
133 Girl Amanda Loveable
134 Girl Amandine Active, bright, lovable, she who must be loved
135 Boy Amar Everlasting, imperishable
136 Boy Ameya Immeasurable, boundless
137 Boy Ameya Boundless, magnanimous, immeasurable
138 Boy Ameya Vast, without bounds, immeasurable
139 Boy Amil Invaluable
140 Boy Amil Invaluable
141 Boy Amini Reliable, trustworthy, rigid, unalterable, blood b
142 Boy Amith Infinite, immeasurable, boundless
143 Girl Amitha Limitless, boundless, unmeasureable, infinite, ete
144 Girl Amithi Immeasurable
145 Girl Amithi Immeasurable, unique
146 Boy Amol Priceless, valuable
147 Boy Amol Priceless, valuable
148 Girl Amolika Priceless, valuable
149 Boy Amritam Veritable nectar
150 Boy Amulaya Invaluable
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