Infertility is a very critical condition and if any such thing happens to a woman it is really the most painful thing ever happened. In lay man term it can be said that it is the situation when the woman is not able to get pregnant. Though there might be several reasons for that but still the pain is never ending. There are basically two types of infertility that is found in woman. One is the primary infertility in which you can never conceive a baby while the other is the secondary in which you face some problems in conceiving but you can conceive if proper care is taken.
There are very less people who know much about infertility so in this article you will come across a few facts which are related to infertility and what are the possible solutions which you can try to overcome this problem.
As the woman is not able to get pregnant so the best thing is to consult the doctor. If after marriage the woman is not able to become pregnant within a year there are chances that there may be some symptoms of infertility so it will be good that
you take the concern of the doctor. This is important as one may find it difficult to conceive or there may be some other problem.
It is not only about the infertility in case of woman but even the men can be unable to produce sperms. So when you consult a doctor tests will be carried out for both the males as well as the females. There are specific symptoms or hormonal changes in both the males and females so it is essential to test them and wait for the result.
Another point which is the cause of infertility is the excessive bleeding. During the menstrual cycle if there is a heavy flow of blood then there are chances of such symptoms. If you have any of the above issues you need to go to the doctor and ask them or go for some pregnancy test.
The infertility can exist because the egg cannot be fertilized while in the other case it may be possible that the uterus may be blocked so that it cannot find the egg to fertilize. So in both the conditions the situation of infertility can arrive.
If the woman has high blood pressure then it is one of the symptoms of infertility. Though it is not always true but sill it can be possible.
PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is another problem which can take you to the condition of infertility. This is a serious issue and hence needs the concern of the doctor.
Apart from infertility you also have the term called sub fertility.
The tubal ligation can be a reason due to which the infertility can arise.
In cases of male if there is less semen then the chances of not conceiving decrease.
Gaining weight suddenly can be a major issue and during this time there will be a sudden change in your weight. You may add up to 5-10 kgs of weight in just two months.
There are different kinds of structural disorders including the blocking of the fallopian tube etc. If this is the condition then the solution for it is surgery.
Stress and obesity are two other reasons for infertility. Though it is not widely common but in few cases it has been seen that too much of stress can lead you in this situation.
If the menstrual cycle is not on time then it the reason for worry.
After the intercourse it may be possible that there is heavy bleeding which is a sign of infertility.
The lifestyle you spend may increase infertility. For example too much of smoking is not good.
Alcohols as well as beverages can too affect infertility.
The best solution to fight with the problem of infertility is going with the option of test tube baby.
If the couple wishes to go for the treatment then its charges and cost is very high and they should be ready to drain out a hefty amount if they decide to go for it.
There are special medicines like Clomiphene citrate which instigate the hormones. You also have the oral pills which are quite effective.